In the small town of Sospirolo near Lake Mis, the Cadini del Brenton are a sequence of 15 natural pools and waterfalls. This easily accessible destination is one of the most visited areas of the Belluno Dolomites National Park. It is a masterpiece of nature, and the colours and harmonious sounds of the waterfalls help visitors to relax and regenerate. An easy path leads to all 15 pools, which were formed as the Brenton stream slowly carved its course into the rocks.

Another site worth visiting while in the area is the 12-metre-high Soffia waterfall; it is near the Cadini the Brenton and can be reached by following a path. National Park guides are available for information and advice.

During the summer months, Lake Mis and its beaches are very popular with tourists and locals who seek relief on hot days. All areas are protected by the National Park Service.